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Welcome to the Inaugural
Malaysian Lifestyle Medicine Conference 2021
It has been a challenging year for all of us, brought on by the devastation of the Covid 19 pandemic. As in previous pandemics, non-communicable diseases increase the risk of hospitalization and severe Covid 19 infection. This brings the focus back to diseases such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension and coronary artery disease amongst others. In addition, mental health has been adversely affected by Covid 19.
This pandemic has reinforced the centrality of Lifestyle Medicine as the foundation to healthcare. Overwhelming evidence indicates that poor lifestyle choices are key factors in the pathogenesis of non-communicable diseases. However evidence suggests that 80% of these chronic diseases can be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle that encompasses healthy nutrition, physical exercise, stress management, adequate sleep, good social connection, tobacco cessation and avoidance of substance abuse. Lifestyle Medicine is an emerging discipline in healthcare that has the potential to address the malady plaguing mankind. It is an evidence-based lifestyle therapeutic intervention that aims to prevent, treat, and, oftentimes, reverse chronic disease sby addressing the underlying causes. Lifestyle changes also enhance the immune system and promote mental wellbeing.
We are living in unprecedented times when now more than ever, a concerted global action on lifestyle intervention is needed for both our physical and mental wellbeing. We have a lively programme which we hope clearly highlights the importance of lifestyle medicine in promoting physical and mental wellness.
We welcome your participation in our Inaugural Malaysian Lifestyle Medicine Conference and together let us make a difference in healthcare!
YB Khairy Jamaluddin
Minister of Health of Malaysia
Welcome Message
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the Inaugural Malaysian Lifestyle Medicine conference (Virtual) on the 4th and 5th of December 2021.The Malaysian Society of Lifestyle Medicine is proud to host this conference.
The Scientific programme promises to be engaging, covering a variety of relevant topics which highlight the various pillars of Lifestyle Medicine. With the theme of the conference being “Lifestyle Medicine: Redefining Healthcare”, it gives us the opportunity to explore how Lifestyle Medicine intervention in clinical practice can change the way we practice medicine and how this can contribute significantly to reducing the burden of chronic diseases.
Our international and local speakers are leaders in the field of Lifestyle Medicine. We hope to have physicians and allied healthcare professionals attend this conference as we embark on this journey together. A journey that will significantly impact healthcare not only in Malaysia but world over.
It is going to be an exciting conference with lectures, workshops, mindfulness sessions and more. You are going to learn about strategies that will not only help your patients but also help you to remain healthy. Furthermore, it gives you an opportunity to network and forge relationships that will promote Lifestyle Medicine. We are delighted to have you here at our conference and we hope that you will enjoy the conference!
Best Regards
Dr Sivaneswaran Poobalasingam MD, Dip IBLM
Founder and President, Malaysian Society of Lifestyle Medicine
Organizing Chairman, Malaysian Society of Lifestyle Medicine
Advisory Board, International Journal Of Disease Reversal And Prevention
Advisory Council, Global Positive Health Initiative
Council, True Health Initiative
Dr David L Katz
Prof Garry Egger
Dr Wayne Dysinger
Dr Sivaneswaran Poobalasingam
Dr Edward M Philips
Dr.Michael Klapper
Dr.Amanda McKinney
Dr Johann Kim Manez
Prof Darren Morton
Mr Stephan Herzog
Stephen Penman
Dr Rani Polak
- Lifestyle as Medicine
- Lifesyle Medicine Assessment And Treatment Protocols
- Nutrition Prescriptions
- Exercise Intervention For Non-Communicable Diseases
- Stress Resilience In Healthcare
- Mindfulness To Build Stress Resiliency
- Sleep Medicine
- Positive Psychology
- Social Connectivity As A Health Determinant
- Health Coaching For Behaviour Change
- Lifestyle Intervention In Substance Abuse
- Lifestyle Medicine Education
Conference Fee
MSLM Members
Local Delegates
ASEAN Delegates
International Delegates
For Manual Payment.
Make your payment directly into our bank account. Please make payment to :-
Beneficiary’s Name: Malaysian Society of Lifestyle Medicine
Beneficiary’s Account No: 21427700087940
Swift Code : RHBBMYKL
Bank : RHB Bank Bhd
Beneficiary’s Name: Malaysian Society of Lifestyle Medicine
Please email payment advice to events@lifestylemedicinemalaysia.org or Whatsapp it to +0123935016