Join Lifestyle Medicine Experts At The Virtual Inaugural Malaysian Lifestyle Medicine Conference 2021
Date: 4th to 5th December 2021

The Inaugural Malaysian Lifestyle Medicine Conference with the theme Lifestyle Medicine: Redefining Healthcare is brought to you by the Malaysian Society of Lifestyle Medicine. This conference brings to you leading experts in the field of Lifestyle Medicine from around the world

This conference brings to you leading experts in the field of Lifestyle Medicine from around the world.

This conference is designed to help you increase your knowledge and competence in Lifestyle Medicine. You will learn the latest in nutrition, exercise, emotional wellness, sleep science and more. In addition this conference will also focus on behavioural change strategies to help patients change their lifestyle.

Doctors, allied health practicioners, researchers, health educators and policymakers will benefit from this conference as we explore how to arrest and manage chronic diseases with Lifestyle Medicine.

Lifestyle Medicine conferences have been held around the world and now Malaysia is the proud host of the First Malaysian Lifestyle Medicine Conference.

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Conferences Around The World

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